Critical Update Required for iOS CaptureSDK Access Token

October 17, 2024 by Cyrille Démare | DEV COMMUNITY UPDATES

Dear Developers,

If you are using our iOS CaptureSDK through Swift Package Manager or Cocoapods with the URLs provided on our Developer Portal Home page, you will need to update the URL. Our current Access Token is set to expire this week, but we have generated a new one for your immediate use.

This change is necessary for security reasons, as our private Gitlab repository limits Access Tokens to a maximum duration of one year. However, we will soon be transitioning back to public access on GitHub, making future updates even easier. Please visit the Developer Portal Home page, under the “Getting started with CaptureSDK” section, and select your platform to copy and paste the updated URL with the new Access Token.


Happy Coding,

Socket Mobile SDK team

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Test out our data reading and scanning technology for free with SocketCam. The SocketCam C820 lets you scan directly into your feature application using the camera on your mobile device, ensuring high-performance scanning without the need for an external barcode scanner.