Congressional Co-Ed Day School Case Study
How we helped Congressional School succeed

The Customer
Founded in 1939, the Congressional School is an independent, co-ed day school in Falls Church, VA. Serving 350 students annually with a rigorous and developmentally appropriate curriculum, the school offers childcare for babies and infants, while educating children up to grade 8.
The Challenge
The Congressional School was looking to use a modern POS (point of sale) system to scan school supplies’ barcodes from their iPads in a fast and seamless way. They found Socket Mobile’s data capture and delivery solutions, but they still needed help setting up the new system and understanding what Socket Mobile could do for them.
The Socket Mobile Solution
With Socket Mobile’s technical support, they were shown how to pair their new SocketScan S700 1D Linear Screen Barcode Scanner with their iPad and download Socket Mobile’s app from the app store. When the customer scanned their first barcode, their shock and awe were magical. The setup was very easy and didn’t require much support after all. Using only an iPad to process sales helped save them money on the hardware for their store and made it much easier to perform mobile sales. The colorful SocketScan S700 scanner made capturing data just as fast as on a desktop computer.
The Results
The customer found their new S700 scanner to be well-made and easy to use. They are now able to complete sales faster and have a much better experience than using non-native integration. Socket Mobile’s solution allowed for seamless integration that a regular scanner could not provide. Having access to the SDK (software development kit) allowed them to use application-specific logic, which created a hands-free process. The iPad does not need interaction to scan items, so processing by tapping on fields became a thing of the past. The SDK also allowed them to perform out-of-box scanning with very little work. Socket Mobile’s technical support team was happy to help Congressional School enhance its productivity with new data capture and delivery solutions.