Bee Line Medical Delivery Case Study
How we helped Bee Line succeed

The Customer
Bee Line Courier Service and King Bee Delivery offer scheduled and on-demand delivery 24/7/365, with locations in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, and Missouri. Our valued customers consist of Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, and many other medical-related companies. King Bee and Bee Line's management team understands customer service, is very committed to continued growth, and always makes certain our valued customers are number one.
The Challenge
Because of time in service, the device we operated with often failed. This meant sending it to a repair facility. Because we have operations in 5 states with 12 hubs, we spent a lot of time getting replacement scanners back to the hub where the scanners failed. This included generating intercompany repair actions, shipping the device to Louisville, KY (Headquarters) or Cincinnati, shipping a replacement device to whatever hub sent the failed one in, filling out the manufacturer’s maintenance request, maintaining a scanner tracking log, shipping the device off to the repair facility, following up with the repair facility, receiving the scanner back, connecting the device up to our service provider, loading software, and field testing the device to ensure the repair facility actually corrected the malfunction.
The device we operated with was connected to the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network. However, our service provider informed us that they would no longer be supporting the CDMA network, so we needed to find a replacement.
The Application
We utilize Next Stop Mobile by CXT Software. We were concerned at first because CXT did not list the Socket Mobile 7Ci as a compatible device. However, we field-tested and discovered it was compatible.
The Socket Mobile Solution
We currently use the 7Ci, which has been replaced by the S700, which we also use.
The Result
The Socket Mobile scanner has improved King Bee's productivity in terms of scanning percentage. This is due to its reliability. The scanner has also allowed our management team to spend time on growth and customer service instead of managing scanner repair actions.
Utilizing the Socket Mobile scanner helps reduce expenses on data plans; the old device was failing at a high rate, and we didn't feel we needed everyone walking around with a mini-computer. We just needed a device to scan bar codes. The Socket Mobile scanner is much more efficient.