System Patents
Accuracy Enhanced Scanner
US 8,235,294 B2
Wireless Enabled Memory Module
US 7,440,774 B2
Cordless Scanner and Stylus
US 8,139,049 B1
Cordless Hand Scanner with Improved User Feedback
US 7,686227 B2
Socket Compatible Parallel Interface with BiDirectional Handshaking for Serial Peripherals
US 7,533,202
Closed Case Removable Expansion Card having Interconnect & Adapter Circuitry for both I/O & Removable Memory
US 6,353,870 B1
High-Density Removable Expansion Module having I/O & 2nd Level-Removable Expansion Memory
US 6,599,147 B1
US 6,863,557 B2
US 6,976,111 B1
First-Level Removable Module having Bar Code I/O & Second-Level Removable Memory
US 6,691,196 B2
Nested Removable-Removable Modules
US 6,920,517 B2
US 7,194,565 B2
Deferred Tuple Space Programming of Expansion Modules
US 7,003,627 B2
US 7,162,581 B2
Cooperative interconnection & operation of a non-volatile memory card & an input-output card
US 7,107,378 B1
Y-Adapter with Embedded Wireless Port
US 7,318,551 B1
Removable Modules with w/ External IO Flexibity via Intregal Removeable Slot
US 7,343,439 B2
Cordless Hand Scanner with Improved User Feedback
US 7,429,000 B1
Wireless Enabled Memory Module
US 7,440,774 B2
Removable module with Subscriber information Card
US 7,454,541 B2
Card Shaped Computer Peripheral Device
Wireless Memory Module
US 8,023,998 B2