Data Capture Solutions for Retail Loyalty Programs

Enhance your customer's loyalty experience, earning rewards that keep them coming back.


Customer Loyalty Scans Both Ways

Loyal customers are the building blocks of your business. Your reward programs are a significant part of what keeps them walking back through the door. It's essential that your loyalty systems are reliable and up-to-date, ensuring your customers receive their earned rewards.

In-store data capture solutions actively track your customer's purchase activity and behavior. Socket Mobile's barcode scanners and NFC readers help streamline your business's data capture process with every purchase, recognizing and rewarding your customer's purchases every time. Our scanners connect with your loyalty apps, making it easy to pass on rewards and create an experience that keeps your most important customers coming back.

Benefits of Integrating Socket Mobile into your Retail Loyalty Program

Choosing Socket Mobile means more than just choosing a simple data collection tool. We provide long-lasting benefits and support that will ultimately give you complete confidence in choosing us for your retail loyalty program.

SocketCam, our free camera-based barcode scanner, is included in CaptureSDK. SocketCam lets you start scanning or testing your app immediately without needing a physical scanner. Using the camera in the user’s mobile phone or tablet, CaptureSDK with SocketCam provides commercial-grade barcode scanning solutions. With one integration, you and your users get access to high-performance camera-based scanning along with our full portfolio of data readers, allowing seamless interchange or upgrades without requiring app revisions.

Prevent common scanning difficulties that often occur within retail environments and ensure your customers have an effortless checkout experience.

With Socket Mobile's exceedingly low return and breakage rate, you will have confidence in your scanners to continuously get the job done in each and every retail setting.

Socket Mobile goes farther than just helping you choose the right scanner for your loyalty program. We provide full support throughout the setup process and ensure that your needs are met throughout the entire data collection journey.

Choosing a new solution for your loyalty program can be intimidating and confusing. Socket Mobile's integration process is only a few short steps, and we provide 24/7 support along the way.

All Socket Mobile devices are cordless devices, so you can work throughout your environment safely and efficiently.

Recommended Products


Our readers are used in every environment of almost every industry. The recommendations above are based on the most typical environments but may not be a match for yours. We created our reader selection tool to help you find the data reader best suited for your particular environment. Give it a try!

Make Your Selections

Case Studies

Socket Mobile is the preferred solution for thousands of companies. Check out these real-life case studies that have proven our solution to be effective in retail loyalty programs:

When Plantation Coffee had the opportunity to expand into Myer's department stores, Socket Mobile's scanners made it possible to quickly and easily implement Myer's loyalty programs into their POS systems.

With the integration of Socket Mobile's scanners into their in-store displays, Royal Canin was able to implement their "My Royal Canin" Loyalty Card Program.

Try it free.

Test out our data reading and scanning technology for free with SocketCam. The SocketCam C820 lets you scan directly into your feature application using the camera on your mobile device, ensuring high-performance scanning without the need for an external barcode scanner.